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Personal Interests

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USA Girl Scouts Overseas Troop Leader - A great excuse to get my hands on Girl Scout cookies, but also a wonderful time helping girls learn about justice, speaking up for themselves, roller coaster engineering and physics, camping and more.

Association Contre les Violences sur Mineurs (Protecting Minors Against Violence) - in France, 160,000 children are victims of sexual abuse each year and on average, one child dies of physical harm from a parent every five days. I have joined CVM to put my skills as a neuropsychologist to use in spreading factual information to a wide audience on how to prevent and spot child abuse. Learn more at 

Children's writing & illustration - from writing books for my kids to explanations of how the brain works for sessions, I buy my kids colored pencils mainly so I can use them when they're not looking.
Want to take a look? Head to @fearnotstorytime

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